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ATTENTION: The Job Board is a service provided to the early childhood community and is reserved for those agencies, programs and organizations with job openings in Nevada, specific to the field of Early Care and Education. Job announcements from employers outside the industry of ECE will not be included on the Job Board.

The Nevada Registry adheres to applicable federal and state Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines, and offers employment information without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, citizenship, or identity as a military veteran unless legally required. The Nevada Registry will not knowingly post job positions that do not subscribe to these EEO guidelines. All job listings are posted at the discretion of The Nevada Registry. The Registry reserves the right to edit or refuse an employer’s job announcement for any reason and will not post jobs that do not follow the EEO guidelines.

240 S. Rock Boulevard, Suite 143
Reno, Nevada 89502

Member of National Workforce Registry Alliance National Workforce Registry Alliance PER Approved

© 2019 The Nevada Registry